Steam Weasel Design Document
Revised Sunday, 2001-07-01 (Bob Savage)
Usage notes
// SWServer
SWServer -- persistance:
SWServer writes SWServerModel to file
SWServer reads SWServerModel from file
SWServer -- I/O:
SWServer reads SWCommand from file
SWServer writes SWReport to file
// SWClient
SWClient is the app that the player uses to explore the game world (as accessible
to him through "reports"), and to create "orders that are issued to her troops.
The SWClient is very 'thin' in capability. Most functionality is aquired by
".helper" bundles.
SWServer -- persistance:
The SWClient actually does not have any persistance features. All persistance
is handled by the server. Changes to a report has absolutely no impact on
the game.
SWClient -- I/O:
SWClient reads SWReport from file
SWClient writes SWCommand to file
Top level Models
// SWServerModel
SWServerModel provides a means of saving and loading the entire game, not
just a single player's turn. It is for the use of the SWServer.
SWServerModel must have:
- an array of SWPlayers
- current turn indicator
- time limit for turns -- ideally adjustable by players
- time last turn was played
- SWBoard -- which will contain units and hexes
// SWClientModel
Owned by SWClient -- seperates GUI code from the Model
SWServerModel must have:
- an array of open reports (selected by the user)
- one active report (can by nil if no reports are loaded)
Lower level Models
// SWHex
SWHex must have:
- height
- location
- terrain
- contents (any units in it)
// SWUnit
SWUnit must have:
- a unique ID -- this is to distinguish on unit from all other units it does
not need to be shown to the player, but it will be used in report and command
- command queue (*not* same as SWCommand)
- component technologies:
this must include at the very least a "chassis" technology.
// SWPlayer
SWPlayer must have:
- email address
- list of all owned units
- social choices (e.g. research goals)
- list of resources (and quantities)
- list of known hexes
- diplomat object (like a mailbox for incoming diplomacy offers)
File handling Objects
// Reports
A report includes all the information a player is allowed to know in clear
text. It is an XML formatted file. A DTD will be made available when it is finalized.
Reports include an expiration date determined by the Server after which a command
file based on this report will not be accepted -- a new command file will need
to be generated, based on a current report. The purpose of the "freshness
date" is, amongst other things, to prevent a player from sending commands
to her troops without basing them on her units' current location/health/etc.
SWReport is an object that is initialized from a ".swreport" XML
file. SWReport parses the file and returns useful game components upon demand.
// Commands
Commands are created by the player through the SWClient. They are formatted
into an XML file and sent to the server where they are issued to the units and
// ".helper" bundles
.helper bundles are loaded by the SWClient to give the player
Some Helpers might write SWReport to file (e.g. send edited maps to other
// ".content" bundle
A .content bundle has:
- unique name - e.g. "BuckRodgers"
- version string - e.g. "version 1.2"
- additional bundle dependencies
this is to allow "cascading" bundles -- the idea is to allow for one bundle
that has certain features and allow ".content" bundle developers to build
off of that (so there is only one "Forest" terrain, but a second bundle could
require the bundle which includes "Forest" and add resources that could be
harvested from a Forested hex.
- list of terrains
- list of technologies
- list of resources
- list of research areas
// Terrain
A terrain is a property that a hex can have. A hex can only have one terrain
at a time. It is possible that a player could aquire technology which enables
them to convert a hex from one terrain to another.
Terrains have:
- names (internationalized strings)
- This is used for display to the player
- unique ID -- if we have multiple names for something we need an unambiguos
way of referring to an item in a bundle -- this could be something like "BuckRodgers-MudPits"
the idea is to make sure there isn't a name clash if another bundle creates
a similarly named Terrain, and allow for internationalized name strings
- terrain textures (image file)
- (default color for use when image file can't be shown?)
// Technology
A technology is an object that can be used to equip an SWUnit. There are 4
basic categories of technology:
- Chassis -- only one per unit.
Chassis would determine mobility and the ability to "carry" other technologies
(meaning a person on foot can only carry so much stuff, if he was driving
a truck he could mount a big weapon on the back and lead plate it -- which
might make it as slow as a person walking, but that is the choice a player
would have to make). Examples would be:
- Immobile -- used for buildings
- Horse
- Bicycle
- Giant Eagle
- Etc.
- Weapon -- 0 or more per unit.
Weapon could be an optional technology so that some units would have no offensive
capacity (and use that carrying capacity for something else (extra armor,
or some special technology (something to increase vision?). A player might
even choose to forgo the weapon for no other reason than to make the unit
cheaper and faster.
- Armor -- 0 or more per unit.
Another optional technology, although this would place the unit at risk of
being captured.
- Special -- 0 or more per unit.
This should be a very popular category :) It would include Espianage equipment,
or "Sheilds" (see discussion on list), etc. etc. etc. Note that heroes can
be implemented using "Special" technologies. Just make sure that the technology
creation conditions (see below) will permit only one instance of the hero
to exist per game.
Example: a bundle named "BuckRodgers.content" is loaded; it contains a technology
called "Jet Pack" in English. A player in the game, who had the requisite
knowledge (research) and resources (it is also possible for the technology
to require that it be created *in* a particular terrain, or by a unit equipped
with a particular technology), can create a new unit with the "Jet Pack" chassis.
Technologies have:
- names (internationalized strings)
- unique ID -- as per Terrain above)
- tech image file
- possibly a model and texure -- details to follow
- category (chassis, weapon, armor, or special).
- "weight" -- or mass
only for technologies of categories weapon, armor, and special. This is a
number used to determine if the chassis can support it and what effect it
might have on speed
Chassis technologies would have additional things:
- max weight
- max speed
- perhaps this is the 3D model used to represent a unit in an OpenGL view?
- creation conditions
what conditions must be met in the hex that the "manufacturing" of the technology
is taking place? Is there a Shaman present? Are we in a swamp? Does the player
have "Woodcraft"? etc. etc. etc. This will be a bit of code, not simply a
line in a plist file.
// Resource
A resource is kind of an abstract thing that an SWPlayer object can have.
It is not represented by a unit on the board. ".content" bundles are free to
create their own resources, as well as the rules for their extraction, which
typically requires some combination of terrain and technology (which implies
some kind of research).
Resources are consumable, meaning they can go down as well as up.
- a player might use up all their "Wood" resource building a raft.
- workers might consume a "Food" resource. If the owning SWPlayer does not
have enough "Food" to feed a worker it will die.
Resources can be traded using diplomacy.
Technologies have:
- names (internationalized strings)
- unique ID -- as per Terrain above
- resource image file
- creation conditions -- as per Technology above
// Research
This is the knowledge base an SWPlayer has, or the required knowledge an SWPlayer
would need to have in order to produce/use some technology.
.content bundles define areas of research.
An area is researched by consuming resources. This might be "Research Points"
or it might be something special defined by the bundle, such as "Mana", or some
combination of resources ("Research Points" + "Electricity"). A bundle might
also define prerequisites for starting research in an area, typically having
acheived a minimum value in another area of study.
Each area of study has a rating from 0 to 100. After a certain level of researching
in an area additional research may be possible, but would not enable additional
technologies (only improve the technologies already enabled).